ISSN 2149-0287
Bosphorus Medical Journal Bosphorus Medical Journal - Bosphorus Med J: 11 (2)
Volume: 11  Issue: 2 - 2024
1.Front Matter

Pages I - X

2.Does Spondylarthropathy Cause an Increase in Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Sibel Süzen Özbayrak, Berna Günay, Nilgün Mesci, Duygu Geler Külcü
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.09825  Pages 31 - 39

3.The Most Common Etiologies in Young Cryptogenic Strokes and Their Relationship with RoPE Score
Leyla Ramazanoğlu, Beyza Karagöz, Işıl Kalyoncu Aslan
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.35219  Pages 40 - 46

4.Exploring the Impact of Inflammatory Indices on Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease: A Preliminary Study
Esma Kobak Tur, Eren Gözke
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.82787  Pages 47 - 53

5.Cyst of the Canal of Nuck: A Very Rare Diagnosis
Birol Ağca, Mehmet Timuçin Aydın, Yasin Güneş, Iksan Taşdelen, Nuriye Esen Bulut, Adnan Somay, Bedirhan Çoruhlu, Mehmet Mahir Fersahoğlu, Kemal Memişoğlu
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.86094  Pages 54 - 56

6.Meige Syndrome (Blepharospasm with Orofasial Dystonia): Two Case Reports
Hatice Ferhan Kömürcü
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.53336  Pages 57 - 59

7.Isolated Third Cranial Nerve Palsy Secondary to in-Vehicle Traffic Accident Without any Radiological Evidence
Ceren Erkalaycı, Özge Akın Gökçedağ, Çisil İrem Özgenç Biçer, Eren Gözke
doi: 10.14744/bmj.2024.64426  Pages 60 - 64

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